#ElementalHighlight - Peter Stroud

 #ElementalHighlight - Peter Stroud

“We were all pretty much in awe for the whole day.”

I couldn’t believe when Peter said yes when I asked him to grace my album with his guitar playing magic! We met probably 10-12 years ago, at Eddie’s Attic- but I had witnessed his greatness long before. Peter played all the electric guitars on #Elemental (except on “Boom”). During the session, I literally learned the difference between “great” and “holy shit how did he do that” - he made the simplest sections of my songs sound like symphonic arrangements in seconds. We were all pretty much in awe for the full day—no kidding. Peter has been playing with #SherlyCrow since the late 90’s and I was so fortunate to have him help make #Elemental what it is. Forever grateful to you #PeterStroud!!
